it coming

Predictive error detection for real estate:
avoid unnecessary risk and cost by detecting errors before they happen

Our solution
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What we do

Soundsensing offers a condition monitoring system for the office- and hotel sector, complete with sensors, software and market leading machine learning anomaly detection technology.

With our technology, we can help you detect errors in your technical rooms before they happen - enabling you to deliver a next generation quality of service to your customers.

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About Soundsensing

Soundsensing offers a condition monitoring system for the office- and hotel sector, complete with sensors, software and market leading machine learning anomaly detection technology. With our technology, we can help you detect errors in your technical rooms before they happen - enabling you to deliver a next generation quality of service to your customers.

And it's easy to get started.

Data driven predictive maintenance

our solution

An end-to-end system using machine learning to predict and detect irregularities in technical infrastructure.

See the power of data driven condition monitoring, previously only available for heavy industry,  now brought to the commercial real estate market.


What our clients say

We use sound to predict the future.

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